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Egg Donors

Become a J baby Egg Donor

Thank you for your consideration in becoming a J baby egg donor. J baby is a highly professional egg donor agency that puts a premium on integrity and your personal well being. We depend on the goodwill of young women like yourself who see the importance of giving the greatest gift of all --- the gift of life itself --- to our grateful Future Parents. In exchange, you will be well compensated for your time and effort and be rewarded with the priceless feeling of knowing you’ve made a huge impact on someone else’s life.

Thousands of Procedures Completed Every Year

The egg donation procedure itself is fairly routine, requiring only mild sedation. While it is considered minor surgery there are no cuts made to the skin or flesh and most donors experience only mild discomfort. All expenses relating to the overall process are paid for by the Intended Parents, including all travel expenses, if required. By default the process is handled anonymously by mutual consent and J baby at all times will protect your privacy, anonymity, and confidentiality.

A Serious Commitment

Becoming an egg donor is not something you want to enter into without serious consideration. You want to be sensitive to the fact that for the Intended Parents there is a lot on the line, both emotionally and financially. Therefore, it is important to respect that becoming an egg donor is a significant commitment and like any commitment it carries a set of rules and responsibilities we want to make sure you fully understand and are ready to comply with.

Welcome to Our Family

But you won’t be in this alone. We will be by your side every step of the way. We will embrace you like a member of our family. It is our goal and hope that your experience as an egg donor is one which you will cherish for the rest of your life. We accomplish this by providing you with an unprecedented level of hands-on support, education, guidance and nurturing along with a promise to be there whenever you need us.

Begin the Journey Now

"To begin the process to see if you are a good fit for our program, pre-register by answering some simple questions. If it appears that you are eligible, we will ask that you fill out a more in-depth questionnaire. This questionnaire is quite extensive and is designed to let us and the Intended Parents know more about you. Included are questions about your educational background, what drives you as a person, your likes and dislikes, and questions about your medical and genetic history. Your honest answers will result in an anonymous profile that will be available for review by the Intended Parents who will be visiting our website in hopes finding an egg donor such as yourself to work with. Again, thank you for taking the time to consider becoming an egg donor. On behalf of J baby and our Intended Parents, we look forward to the possibility of working together in the near future."

Become a Donor Today!

Egg Donor Application

We depend on the goodwill of young women like yourself who see the importance of giving the greatest gift of all - the gift of life itself - to our grateful Future Parents.