The simple definition is that an egg donor is a female who chooses to help someone, who otherwise would not be able to create a family, through the donation of her own eggs. An egg donor is different from a surrogate in that there is no pregnancy involved.
No, there is no cost to you to become a J baby egg donor. All costs associated with the egg donation process are paid for by the Intended Parents.
While each situation is unique, in general we estimate that the completion of your first egg donation cycle will take anywhere from 3 to 6 months from the time you are matched to the time of the actual retrieval.
Only those who have registered and have been approved by our agency will be able to view your profile. Your anonymity will be protected at all times. We serve the needs of many different kinds of people who come to us for many different reasons. Some have medical issues which prevent the female from conceiving a child using her own eggs. For others age is an issue. Increasingly gay men are calling on the kindness of an egg donor to help them build their families. Just at the Intended Parents choose a donor so does the donor have a say in choosing which kinds of parents they prefer to work with. In any event, J baby was started with the intention of serving the needs of people from all backgrounds and from all walks of life.
"Your willingness to become an egg donor, while always appreciated, does assume a level of commitment that is no different from any important job. Except in this case, you are carrying on your shoulders the hopes, dreams, and emotional weight of couples and individuals that are yearning to create a family. Your responsibilities can be broken down into the following: 1) To attend all scheduled appointments on time, including all medical, psychological, genetic, and legal-related appointments. 2) Taking your medication exactly as instructed. 3) Communicating any issues or concerns you may have with J baby, your doctor and Nurse Coordinator, and your attorney. 4) Letting us know of any changes to your schedule and availability. J baby is always here for you no matter what the problem. We are here to help you and we make your well-being a top priority."
No. The procedure itself doesn't have any impact on your future ability to have children. Women are born with about 2 million eggs. Each month, a group of eggs begin the maturation process, but the body selects only one egg each cycle to ovulate, while the rest are absorbed by the body. Fertility medications "rescue" some of these excess eggs that the body would have otherwise discarded as a part of its natural cycle. These are the eggs you will be donating to our Intended Parents.
All of our egg donors are very well compensated for their time and effort. But just like with any job, experience and certain other qualities like one’s educational achievement, are big influencers in determining compensation. For example, some Intended Parents are willing to pay more for a donor that has completed at least one successful cycle as an egg donor because having a verifiable, proven track record increases the odds of that egg donor having a successful second or third cycle. At J baby it is important to know that we treat all of our egg donors equally, and as a member of our extended family.
Yes. The shots are done at home. You can do them yourself, or have a friend or family member help you. Your Nurse Coordinator will teach you how to mix and administer your medication at the clinic.
"As with any medical procedure or medication there are risks and possible side effects that you should be made aware of. The majority of women report only minor discomfort over the course of the cycle. Others experience symptoms that go away shortly after the completion of the procedure. You can always take comfort in knowing that your doctor and Nurse Coordinator will always explain to you any potential risks or side effects associated with the egg donation process. Let them know if you have any questions or concerns of any kind. Side Effects from the Medications --- In general, the hormone injections are well tolerated. The hormones are very similar to the hormones naturally created by your body. Some donors do report some side effects including abdominal pain and swelling, breast tenderness, moodiness and a feeling of bloating which will go away by the next menstrual cycle. Some women experience pain, redness or minor bruising at the injection site. Allergic reactions are rare however. OHSS — There is a small risk of a condition called ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) developing during an egg donation cycle. OHSS generally occurs after the egg retrieval and involves enlargement of the ovaries, significant increases in fluid retention within the abdomen and concentration of the blood within the blood vessels. In its more mild form, OHSS can be uncomfortable but resolves within several days. The severe form, which occurs in about 1 percent of donor cycles, may require hospitalization for monitoring. While the condition is serious, it usually lasts no more than one week. Risks from the Egg Donation Procedure — While the risk of serious complications from this procedure is rare — about 1 in 1,000 ---serious complications can occur resulting in bleeding that may require observation in the hospital, blood transfusion, as well as damage to internal organs and infection. There is no evidence to date of an increased risk of breast or ovarian cancer."
All Intended Parents are required to purchase medical insurance for their donors in the event that there should be a problem. You will be given very specific instructions regarding what to do if there is any kind of complication.
Yes. It is very important to avoid intercourse from the time you start the hormone medications until three weeks after the egg retrieval. This will prevent the possibility of having an unwanted pregnancy. You will also want to practice safe sex to avoid the possibility of contracting a sexually-transmitted disease. You should refrain from high-impact activities such as running, mountain biking, and jumping until several weeks after the retrieval since your ovaries will become enlarged during the egg donation process.
Yes. Although the egg donation process requires you to adhere to a strict regimen of medications and show up for your all your medical appointments on time, most women are able to continue without any interruption to their normal routine. You will always be given advance notice of when and where you are expected to be at any given time over the course of the process.
You should allow for 10-14 travel days. You will be able to bring a companion with you. The Intended Parents will pay all travel expenses, including air, hotel and other ancillary costs, for the both of you.
When you agree to donate your eggs, you are giving up all rights and responsibilities associated with the eggs and any child born as a result of them according to the terms of your agreement as stated in the egg donor contract.
No, in most cases the entire process is handled anonymously unless, by mutual agreement, alternative arrangements are made and explicitly spelled out in the egg donor contract.
Yes. If all goes well with your first egg donation cycle, we would encourage you come back and donate again. You can donate up to five more times as established by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.