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Egg Donor Search

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Egg Donor Application

Thank you for your consideration in joining the J baby egg donor program. It is because of good people like yourself that we can continue to provide for the needs of those who require the assistance of a third-party egg donor. Please answer the questions below to determine if you qualify to proceed to the formal application process. Thank you again for your time. It is much appreciated.

Consent Agreement

- I am aware of the medical and psychological risks associated with egg donation.
- I understand that J baby, does not and will not provide information or advice on the legal, medical, genetic or psychological risks of egg donation. I understand that I am solely responsible to obtain professional advice on the risks involved in the egg donation process.
- I understand that J baby will publish my profile (without my last name) and any photographs submitted by me on their website and in any other medium J baby deems appropriate.
- I understand that J baby, potential Intended Parents and other professionals will rely upon the information contained in my application and I agree to answer each question completely and truthfully. I understand that failure to comply at any point in this process could result in significant financial and emotional distress for the intended parents.
- I understand that egg donation is, on average, a three to four month process. I understand that I will have mandatory medical screening appointments that involve blood draws and transvaginal ultrasounds. I understand that I may also need to self-administer hormone injections leading up to the retrieval.
- I understand that if travel is applicable, I will likely travel twice and that I may need to travel for up to a week for the retrieval trip. I understand that I will be responsible for scheduling time for medical appointments and travel in a manner that will not conflcit with whatever employment or other commitments that I may have. I will communicate to J baby of any potential scheduling conflicts that may occur during the course of the egg donor process. I understand that I am to alert J baby immediately of any changes that may affect the process such as scheduling conflicts, a new job, a change of address/phone number, etc.
- I understand that if at any time I have questions or I am unsure about any aspect of this process, I will promptly communicate such concerns and/or questions to J baby.
- I agree to release J baby and hold it harmless from any and all responsibility or liability with respect to any and all risks associated with the legal, medical, genetic, and/or psychological aspects of the egg donation process.