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Egg Donor Search

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Intended Parents

Questions About Our Egg Donors

J baby eschews traditional means of egg donor recruitment such as advertising in favor of a more direct outreach to potential candidates. We go out into the community and make the appeal to become an egg donor a very personal one. Because we are dealing with a very specific demographic niche which traditionally has been underserved, by sharing our own stories and those of the Intended Parents with whom we’ve worked with in the past, we find that our prospective egg donors are responding to an innate desire within themselves to want to help the communities which they represent. This helps build an emotional bond with the IP’s and creates a strong incentive that transcends the financial.

"All candidates fill out an extensive questionnaire whose purpose is twofold: 1) it is designed to help you get to know more about your egg donor, her background, educational history, personal passions, what drives her as a person, etc. providing you with a better idea of who she is as a person; and 2) to give you some background on her medical and genetic history. This questionnaire is a good starting point in helping you formulate a decision as to whether this is an egg donor you would like to consider working with. J baby then conducts a series of in-person interviews (or via Skype) to better get to know the candidate and to evaluate whether she has the emotional maturity and empathy to become an egg donor. We also use these meetings to answer any questions she may have and to lay out the mutual ground rules, expectations, responsibilities and commitments that we will hold each other accountable to over the course of the egg donation process. J baby does not conduct any medical tests. This will be the responsibility of your IVF doctor and of course it is your doctor who retains final authority to “medically clear” your egg donor. But the questionnaire does provides J baby with an invaluable tool in helping us determine the overall eligibility of an egg donor to be featured on our website."

Compensation is based on any number of factors including whether the egg donor is a first-time or experienced egg donor. For example, an experienced egg donor offers the intended parents the additional benefit of taking into account proven results from prior retrievals Ultimately, though, all of our egg donors are uniquely beautiful both inside and out and thus we consider them all to be priceless.

All egg donation by default is done anonymously, that is to say that the identities of both the IP’s and the egg donor are not disclosed to the other party. However, if you would like to meet your egg donor in person or have mutual anonymity breached in any way, this is something that we can discuss on your behalf directly with your egg donor. The specifics of any such an arrangement would have to be explicitly spelled out and agreed upon by you and your egg donor’s attorney as defined in the egg donor contract. In any event, the breaking of anonymity is a delicate issue you will want to take give serious consideration to. It has emotional and practical implications that potentially resonate far into the future.

You want to first prioritize what qualities are important to you that your egg donor must satisfy. Ethnicity? Certain physical characteristics? Experienced or first time? Educational accomplishment? Artistic ability? Using our search function you enter those qualities and review the donor results that come up. From our experience this is a fluid process that is likely to evolve over time as you consider each donor on her own merits. Of course, we are here to assist you in this process at any time and we are always available just a phone call or email away to answer any questions you may have about a specific donor or the process in general.

Yes, absolutely. You just want to be mindful of the fact that choosing a donor who must travel to your chosen IVF clinic does result in additional costs that you will be responsible for paying. Air travel for your donor and her travel companion (if she so chooses), hotel, per diem, as well as the cost of using a monitoring clinic will need to be factored into the total cost. J baby manages all travel logistics as a part of our overall agency fee including making arrangements with a monitoring clinic that is within close proximity to your donor’s home. Once you have selected your donor we can estimate these ancillary costs for you.

If the donor cycled previously with our agency we will have those results on file. If not, we are happy to request those records directly from the clinics the donor may have worked with in the past. Certainly your doctor will also want to review those results as a part of his or her initial assessment.

When you find that special donor you know is right for you we will confirm her availability and request you complete a retainer agreement with our agency at this time and deposit the necessary funds in your trust account to proceed. Once all the paperwork has been completed we will make arrangements with your clinic to begin the process of medically clearing your egg donor for the retrieval. (Please see the “How it Works” page for additional details.)

Questions About Fees

No, registration is free. Simply complete the registration form, enter your email address as your username and enter a password and we will confirm your registration. You are now free to browse our available egg donors.

Please see the section on “About Fees” for a breakdown of estimated costs.

"The J baby agency fee of $7,000.00 is paid out in two stages: Stage 1 -- $2,000.00 is due and payable upon signing a retainer agreement and is non-refundable. If the donor should not pass her Medical screening, you will be entitled to select a new egg donor without incurring any additional agency fee from us. Stage 2 -- $5,000.00 is due and payable at the time the egg donor is medically cleared by your doctor and is non-refundable. If the donor should not respond well to the medications or should medical issues arise during the screening or stimulation phase concerning the donor that, through no fault of her own, prevents a retrieval from taking place, you will be entitled to select a new egg donor without incurring any additional agency fees from us. The donor is entitled to $500.00 for her time and effort."

Questions Relating to the Overall Process

Yes we can. We have established excellent working relationships with some of the most talented doctors and IVF clinics in the greater Los Angeles area. We are happy to make a referral on your behalf. J baby has a strict policy of accepting no compensation from third-party clinics, doctors, and any of the other professionals to whom we make any referrals.

The egg donor contract, negotiated between the recipient(s) and donor through their respective attorneys, describes all the rights and responsibilities of both parties. This includes scheduling, compensation, expenses, and issues of custody, confidentiality, parental rights, etc. It is signed by both parties anonymously. J baby has professional relationships with independent attorneys who concentrate in assisted reproduction law and we will provide referrals to both the egg donor and the intended parents upon request. All legal contracts must be signed by both parties before the donor begins her medications.

J baby makes every effort to maintain records relating to the identities of the egg donor and the intended parents and will do so for an indefinite period of time. These records include the terms of when the identities of the respective parties may or must be revealed as defined in the egg donor contract and other inclusions that have been added at the request of either the egg donor or the intended parents. Of course, it is more than likely that both the IVF clinic and the attorneys-of-record will also be a good resource for long-term recordkeeping.

Intended Parents Application

We have worked with some of the most highly regarded IVF professionals in the business. These include the clinicians, doctors, psychologists, geneticists, and lawyers you will need to help you build your family.